Amateur Box Office Suite Features
The Box Office System has been designed from the ground up, to satisfy the needs of amateur theatrical organisations, and is under continuous development. If you require a feature that is not already provided, let us know. If it is something that we believe will benefit others, we may provide the enhancements free of charge.
- Easy to use
- Cash, Card and Cheque payments
- Kiosk sales facility
- Customisable availability indicators
Ticket Administration
- Reserve tickets for later sale, or other reasons
- Instantly see outstanding payments, or ticket orders
- Edit or cancel bookings
- Take telephone/paper bookings
- Print tickets on demand, enabling multiple outlets
- Instant booking and financial statistics, including forecasting
- Booking export for further analysis.
- Comparison against previous shows.
- Analysis of payment methods, ticket delivery methods and entry method.
- Recording of banking transactions
For further information, and a demonstration, please contact us.